CONGRATULATIONS to the CES Reading Olympics Winners!
Books, magazines, comics, articles, and more!
Read alone
Read aloud to someone
Someone can read to you
Listen to an audiobook
Listen to a story online
Read before, during, or after school!
On the calendar: Write down the number of minutes you read on that day.
Great option: At the end of the week, use QR code to share weekly total! Simply hold your camera phone over the QR code and it will show you a link.
For families reading together - all children involved can record minutes on his/her calendar!

REACH for the stars!
Set a goal for yourself every day, every week, or for the month and work towards it!
See how much fun you can have while reading! See if you can read a little more every day!
30 mins a day/5 days = 150 mins per week = 600 minutes total!
20 mins a day/5 days= 100 mins per week = 400 minutes total!
15 mins a day/5 days = 75 mins per week = 300 minutes total!
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Fairchild: [email protected] or Text (434)515-2407