The Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports (VTSS) is a data-informed decision making framework for establishing the academic, behavioral and social-emotional supports needed for a school to be an effective learning environment for all students. VTSS functions under the process of integrating data, practices and systems to affect outcomes.

The VTSS systemic approach allows divisions, schools and communities to provide multiple levels of support to students in a more effective and efficient, clearly defined process. Implementing the VTSS framework requires the use of evidence-based, system-wide practices with fidelity to provide a quick response to academic, behavioral, social and emotional needs. The practices are progress-monitored frequently to enable educators to make sound, data-based instructional decisions for students.
The essential elements of an effective VTSS framework are:
- Aligned Organizational Structure
- Data Informed Decision-Making
- Evidence-Based Practices
- Family, School and Community Partnerships
- Monitoring Student Progress
- Evaluation of Outcomes and Fidelity
Schools are committed to helping all children succeed. They have many ways to help children learn and to ensure those who need additional supports are successful. The AMHERST Tiered System of Supports (ATSS) is one way Amherst County Public Schools provide those supports.
What is ATSS?
ATSS is a multi-step process of providing instruction and support to promote the academic and behavioral success of all children. Individual children’s progress is monitored and results are used to make decisions about further instruction and intervention.
ATSS is most commonly used in addressing reading, math and behavior, but it can also be used in other areas. The ATSS process is flexible and designed by school districts to meet the needs of their students.
What does the ATSS process look like?
The ATSS process has three tiers. Each tier provides differing levels of support. (Central Elementary and other ACPS elementary schools are all currently in the “Tier I” phase of implementing this framework although there are Tier II and Tier III supports currently in place.)
• In Tier I, all students receive high quality curriculum and instruction in their classroom. The teacher assists all students.
• In Tier II, the school provides supplemental instructional support, usually in small groups, to students who need additional support to what they are receiving from the general curriculum.
• In Tier III, intense instructional support is provided to students with the greatest needs, with frequent progress monitoring.
• In Tier I, all students are explicitly taught positive behavioral expectations. All teachers use a consistent approach to discipline.
• In Tier II, the school provides supplemental targeted behavioral skill interventions usually in small groups.
• In Tier III, student centered planning is used to develop customized interventions with frequent progress monitoring.
What are the key components to the ATSS process?
A key component to the ATSS process is that all children receive high quality curriculum and instruction in the general education classroom (Tier I). This is the foundation for the entire process and what ACPS elementary schools are working on this year - and into next!
Another key component to the ATSS process is progress monitoring.
Progress monitoring is a way for teachers to take a snapshot of how students are doing on a specific skill. It shows how well the intervention is working. It includes observations, tests, and other formal and informal assessments.
There are many ways parents and families can support what their child is doing in school. Here are a few:
• Make reading an everyday habit at home
• Communicate with your child’s teacher
• Sign and return students’ agenda, daily
• Monitor and assist with homework assignments
• Share your child’s successes
• Learn more about the curricula and interventions being used in your child’s school
• Attend conferences and other school meetings about your child
Where can I find out more information on VTSS/ATSS?
Virginia Department of Education AND Virginia Tiered Systems of Support
Coming Soon!